Client Complaints Handling Procedures

Our aim is to provide you, at all times, with a first class standard of service.  However there may be occasions when you feel that this objective has not been achieved.

We take all complaints seriously and will deal with your complaint in the following manner;

By providing you with this information we have established that you are an eligible complainant and you will be treated fairly and with as much speed as possible to resolve the issue.

We will acknowledge your complaint promptly following receipt, enclosing a copy of these procedures.

All complaints to Redbridge Accountant Ltdwill be dealt with by a senior member of our team and, in all cases, the Director of the business Mr Mohamamd Rahman will be made personally aware of any complaint received.

If you make an oral complaint, our written acknowledgement will set out our understanding of your complaint.

If we have reasonable grounds to be satisfied that another firm may be solely or jointly responsible for the allegation(s) made, we will promptly forward the complaint or the relevant part of it to that firm. We will write to you to confirm our actions and provide contact details of the firm concerned.

If your complaint cannot be resolved by the close of the next business day, following its receipt, we will ensure that you are regularly kept informed of our progress with regards to the investigation into your complaint.

We will endeavour to send you our Final Decision Letter; addressing your concerns and providing you with our decision within 8 weeksor keep you informed of the progress of your complaint if not resolved before then.

Where we are unable to provide you with our Final Decision Letter, we will send you confirmation of this in writing along with an explanation as to why we have been unable to complete our investigations within this time scale.  We will confirm when you can next expect contact from us.

Where we are still unable to complete our investigations within 8 weeks of your complaint, we will send confirmation of this in writing along with an explanation as to why we have been unable to complete our investigations within this time scale.  We will confirm when you can next expect contact from us.  At this stage, you will be entitled to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service who can be contacted at: Financial Ombudsman Service, South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9SR, Telephone 0845 080 1800.  We will provide you with a copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service leaflet; ‘your complaint and the ombudsman’.

We will continue to investigate the complaint until we are in a position to send you our Final Decision Letter.

If your complaint is upheld, we will provide you with fair compensation for any acts or omissions for which we are responsible.

Once you have received our Final Decision Letter, if you are unhappy with our handling of your complaint; you can refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service at the address provided above. You must refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service within 6 months of the date of our Final Decision Letter.  A copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service leaflet ‘your complaint and the ombudsman’ will be included with our Final Decision Letter.

We shall deem the matter closed when;

Our investigation has been completed and a Final Decision Letter has been sent to you, or;
Where you have indicated, in writing, acceptance of any earlier response, where appropriate.

In the first instance all Complaints to Redbridge Accountant Ltd should be directed to the address as shown below for the attention of the Managing Director

Redbridge Accountant Ltd

Midland House, Unit-1

111-113 Victoria Road





Phone:   020 3935 7834



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